Payment andPolicy Agreement
Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company to help you meet medical expenses. Because benefits can vary greatly, it is not possiblefor Ever-Care to provide services on the basis that your insurance company will pay all charges.
Ever-Care can in no way guarantee coverage. Benefits are determined by your insurance plan at the time your claim is processed. All benefit calculations are only an estimate, based on information obtained from your insurance company. The actual Total Patient’s Responsibility may be different than what was previously estimated by Ever-Care.
To prevent any misunderstanding about medical insurance, we wish to point out that: (1) Payment for all medical services furnished are the responsibility of the patient; (2) Deductibles, co-payments, and/or other patient responsibility amounts are due at the time services are rendered; (3) For deductibles, co-insurance and non-covered custom-made devices fifty percent (50 %) of the balance is due at the casting appointment, with the balance due at the time of delivery; (4) Ever-Care will bill your insurance company as a courtesy to you; however, Ever-Care is not responsible for non-payment from the insurance company;
(5) If, due to unforeseen circumstances, additional procedures and/or treatments are necessary beyond what has been previously approved, patients must make arrangements for payment; (6) Patients are expected to keep their accounts current while waiting for their insurance company to remit payment
In consideration of Ever-Care effortsto supply patients with products and/orservicesto the patient, the patient or guarantor agree that each of them isresponsible for payment. Payments may be made by check, money order, Visa or MasterCard. A $40.00 fee will be assessed for any check returned for any reason.
and SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS. All other items will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
We are committed to ensuring you are completely satisfied with the services and care you receive at Ever-Care. However, if for any reason you wish to file a complaint, any staff member can assist you in this confidential matter. You will be asked to complete a “Patient Complaint Form” to assist us in understanding your
complaint or concern fully. Once the form is received, a company representative will investigate the complaint thoroughly and take the necessary actions to satisfy your complaint.
I have read and agree with the Payment and Policy agreement. I also certify the information provided by me is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices and Company Policies
By signing below, I certify that Ever-Care has made available to me a Notice of Privacy Practices. The Notice of Privacy Practices describes the types of uses and disclosures of my protected health information that might occur in my treatment, payment of my bills or in the performance of Ever-Care healthcare operations. The Notice of Privacy Practices also describes my rights and Ever-Care’s duties with respect to my protected health information. Ever-Care reserves the
right to change the privacy practices that are described in the Notice of Privacy Practices. I may obtain a revised Notice of Privacy Practices by calling the office and requesting a revised copy be sent in the mail, or asking for one at the time of my next appointment.
Consent for Contact
I, the undersigned, consent to be contacted by Ever-Care by phone call, e-mail, US Postal Service or other means to followup on my care.
Use of Images
By signing below, I understand that Ever-Care may use my likeness in a photograph or video as part of its marketing efforts including but not limited to publication in external communication and social media posts. I waive the right to
inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness occurs. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation related to the use of those images.
Consent to Provide Services and/or Products
I understand that by signing this agreement, I indicate my wish to purchase orthotic and/or prosthetic products or services, or both, from Ever-Care. I understand that I am under the supervision and care of my attending physician. Iu nderstand that my physician has prescribed the orthosis/prosthesis noted as part of my treatment. I also understand
that due to the nature of the products supplied by Ever-Care that they cannot be returned.
Assignment of Benefits
I, the undersigned, hereby authorize Ever-Care to request on my/our behalf and to collect directly all public and private insurance benefits due for products and/or services supplied to me by Ever-Care. In the event payments for insurance
benefits are made directly to any of the undersigned, the payee will endorse to Ever-Care all checks for such payments
Consent to Coordinate Care and Release of Medical Records
By signing below, I authorize all medical personnel to provide information to Ever-Care concerning my medical history, as it may relate to my treatment. This includes collecting medical information from any physician, surgeon, medical facility
and/or physical therapist seen by me. Ever-Care will comply with all HIPAA rules and regulations.
Insurance Coverage
By signing below, I agree to inform Ever-Care of any changes in my insurance coverage. If my insurance coverage changes or is terminated, I understand that I am responsible for all charges of services and devices delivered to me or in